Las Tomas

Roman aqueducts: Merida - Las Tomas aqueduct (Spain) Merida - AUGUSTA EMERITA
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Las Tomas aqueduct
The water of the third aqueduct, Las Tomas, comes from separate springs on the N and NE side of Merida. In order to cross the Rio Albarregas river, a 1600 m long aqueduct bridge was built of which only three pillars of 16 m high each are left on the town side of the river next to the hippodrome. In the 16th century most of the other pillars were used to construct a new aqueduct bridge, that of San Lazaro.

Close to the Casa del Anfiteatro (House at the Amphitheater) the Las Tomas aqueduct runs on a wall, and a lion head of stone was found nearby which was in use as a gutter-spout. On the same spot there are remnants of a castellum.

How to visit : Aqueduct bridge is in the NE part of the town, close to the Roman circus at the E end of the Avenida de Extramurada
The Casa del Anfiteatro is N of the Roman amphitheatre
HOME More literature on more aqueducts Last modified: March 25, 2005 - Wilke D. Schram
(w.d.schram 'at'

Three piers

side view I

Side view II


Remains of San Lazaro

San Lazaro aqueduct bridge

Ground plan


Conduit I

Conduit II

Ground plan

Castellum Aquae

Castellum aquae