Time line Land of Israel

Before Common Era (CE/AD)
1000 King David
950 First Temple
586 Destruction of the First Temple / Nebuchadnezzar
516 Construction of the Second Temple
332 Alexander the Great in Jerusalem / Ptolemy's
198 Seleucid's rule
167 Maccabean revolt
141 Independancy under Hasmonean rulers
63 Pompey in Jerusalem
37 Herod the Great (until 4 BC/BCE)
Common Era (CE/AD)
66 The Great Revolt
70 Destruction of the Second Temple
73 Downfall of Masada
130 Hadrian renames Jerusalem into Aelia Capitolina
132 Bar Kohba revolt (till 135 AD/CE)
324 Byzantine era
614 Persian invasian
638 Arabic era: Umayyads, Abbasids, Fatimids
1071 Seljuks in Jerusalem
1096 Crusaders domination (till 1291)
1187 Saladin in Jerusalem
1244 Mamluks era
1517 Ottoman era
1914 British rule
1948 Independency