Partly an arcade and partly a bridge, almost the last part of the famous aqueduct of Segovia (Spain), just south of the city center.
The Los Milagros (the Miracle) Roman aqueduct substruction and bridge over the river Rio Albarregas in Merida (Spain). This was just a part of one of the three aqueducts of Merida, see the separate website. The pillars are very popular by storks (!)
An arcade of the Gier aqueduct of Lyon (France) near Soucieu. Because of its resemblance the part left is called 'Le Chameau' , the Camel.
Most famous is the 1350m long arcade of the the Aqua Claudia with the Anio Novus on top, near Roma Vecchia (half a hour by subway and walk from Stazione Termini, Rome).

Longest arcades in Roman aqueducts

Some 80% of the courses of Roman aqueducts ran subterranean, the other 20% were more visible (substructions, bridges and arcades). Nevertheless the image of aqueducts is like the pictures at left.

Arcades were needed to cross shallow depression where a detour should have been too laborious. Up to a height of 2 meter a substruction sufficed otherwise an arcade was needed. In some cases a combination of an arcade plus a bridge was built, like was the case in Segovia (see left) NW of Madrid and in Merida SW of Madrid (Spain).

Most famous is the 1350m long arcade of the Aqua Claudia with the Anio Novus on top, near Roma Vecchia (half a hour by subway and walk from Stazione Termini).
Name aqueduct Length (m) Height (m) Literature Remarks
Carthage(Tunisia), Ariana Plain 11.200 20 Rakob 1974 Part of the Zaghouan aqueduct
Roma, Aquae Marcia, Tepula & Julia 9.500 15 Van Deman1934 p126, Frontinus ch 7  
Roma, Aqua Claudia / Aqua Anio Novus 8.600 27 Ashby 1935 p225  
Carthage (Tunisia), Oued Miliane 4.500 33,65 Rakob1974,
Burdy 1998: h=20m
Part of the Zaghouan aqueduct
Aqua Augusta to Misenum (Italy) 3.598 over 9 Keenan-Jones2010 p136 near Pomigliano d'Arco
Minturnae (Italy) ca 3.000 n.a. Butler1901 p 187;
Keenan - Jones 2010 p 136
incl 50 m of substruction
Caesarea (Israel) ca 2.500 9 Porath2002b (from map) High level aqueduct, along the beach
Carthage (Tunisia), Oued Lill 1.500 ca 20 Rakob1974 p46 Part of the Zaghouan aqueduct
Constantinople (Turkey) 971 27 Burdy 1998, Crow 2008 also called the 'Valens aqueduct'
Aspendos (Turkey) ca 900 30 Kessener1998a Venter bridge of a siphon
Merida (Spain) 930 27 Burdy 1998  
Segovia (Spain) 728 28 Burdy 1998  
Lyon-Gier aqueduct (France) 616 15 Burdy1996 p229 Plat de l'Air, near Chaponost

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