Quadrans 1/4 as copper
Semis 1/2 as copper
As 1 as copper
Dupondius 2 as brass
Sestertius (HS)* 4 as copper
Denarius 4 sestertii
16 as
Aureus 25 denarii
100 sertertii
400 as
)* in Republican time 2,5 as equaled 1 sestertius.
That 2,5 ratio can be written as I+I+S (S from Semi =1/2) which reads as HS

The basic coins were the as and the sesterius.
In the eastern part of the empire an other system was in use,
with oboles (copper), drachms (silver) and talents (gold).
A Roman soldier in the 1st c AD earned annually 225 denarii
of which 100 was subtracted because of the costs of subsistence.

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